Sunday, September 12, 2010

Page 23 Writing Process

General Topic: Faith

Narrowed topic:Why do we have faith and what does faith really mean?

Questions: What is the meaning of faith? How many people have a specific faith? Do you have to be religious to have faith? What is the most common type of faith? Does our faith define our character?

Thesis Statement: Faith is not only about religion its about things we believe in, or just take pride in as a person. We do not have to be religious to have faith some just have faith because of a belief or purpose they have grown to believe in.

Statement of Purpose: Everyone can relate to having faith. If dont have faith in a certain religion you at least hav faith in yourself, family, friends, or a job/school. Faith is not something everyone has because certain people seem to give up on faith when things go wrong in there lives. Faith is important to the people that do believe in in because it keeps them going in their everyday life.

1 comment:

  1. I am not understanding your thesis statement. So you have evidence that faith is taking pride in something? I am looking for three aspects of faith that you are going to explain. Remember--I don't want your opinion or belief--I want to know what it is you learned as a result of the questions you asked yourself.
