Monday, August 30, 2010


What is the definitation of faith?

How many different types of faiths/religions are there?

Can we choose to have faith?
What percent of the U.S does/doesn't believe in faith/religion?


  1. I don't think you have to be religious to have faith. There's different can have faith in your God or higher power, and you can also have faith in free will of the human being.

    Like, if you have a friend who promised you they would do something for you, you can have faith and believe that they will follow through with that promise.

    Those people that give others the benefit of the doubt and see the good in everyone are those who have faith in people, in that everyone has the choice to rise above themselves.

  2. I agree with your comment. But i cant find anything to support that question so Im changing it now.

  3. i also agree with her comment. I do not think you have to be religious to have faith.
